zaterdag 29 augustus 2020

A photo of my zendala

 Zendala Moments #20: I just started it last Wednesday and finished it a day later. As (almost) always, tangling in the evening when my husband is watching news on the TV.

This time I made a photo instead of a scan, so the colours are more natural. I do like this zendala, not only working on it, but also the result.

Thanks Annette!!!

Blessed be!


zaterdag 8 augustus 2020

Heat and tangling

Tangling in a heatwave is not the most pleasant ever. Here in The Netherlands it is 35ºC now. There is also a lot of smog and as a COPD patient that's not nice to be in. So we sit inside all day and only go into the garden in the evening.

I tangled zendala moments # 19 on Thursday and Friday evening and I like the result. The scan makes the (real bright) colors quite vague, Next time I might take a photo.

So, thanks again Annette!!!!

Thank you for visiting my blog!!

Blessed be!


zondag 28 juni 2020

Wrong pens ...

What a beautiful template and ... what a pity I decided to use Sharpies. Immediately after starting, I saw how the pen was bleeding.
But, as always, I went on because a long time ago I told myself to post the first attempt, even when I didn’t like it.

So here it is, my Zendala Moments #18, not the best ever, but I had fun doing this. And quite colorful!

Thanks Annette, for another beautiful template!!!
Thank you for visiting my blog!!
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Blessed be!

maandag 25 mei 2020

Zendala Moments #17

After Zen Moments #13 I hardly tangled. I staid so very tired and it became worse and worse. To make a long story short, They found out I had colon cancer and needed an operation. On April 1st (yes, typically me) I went to the hospital to be operated. In the hour before they took me to the operating room, I tangled to get calm (did not really help much) This is what I did then:

Later I was told that they could take away the tumor and I was clean!!!!  No chemo or radiation therapie needed!
No need to say I was sooooo relieved and soooooo very thankful.

Now to Anette's template #17.
I took a paper I had colored before with the Eco dye method. It's hardly visible, but I like the very soft colors.

Thanks Annette, for another beautiful template!!!
Thank you for visiting my blog!!
Want to see more work of other tanglers??

Blessed be!

maandag 27 januari 2020

Zendala Moments #13

After being ill (bacterial infection) for some weeks and no tangling at all (doing nothing then sleeping, watching TV and playing games on the iPad) I started tangling again. And, the best way to start is a template given by Annette, isn't it?

I found this template not very easy, but as always, just started somewhere and it will 'go by itself'. 

Thanks Annette, for another beautiful template!!!

Thank you for visiting my blog!!

Want to see more work of other tanglers??

Blessed be!

vrijdag 27 december 2019

Zendala Moments #12

December, the last template of this year. The last of 12 beautiful ons and we thank Annette for it!

I draw it on a paper I colored with the Eco dye Method and used a blue and gold Gelly roll Metallic pen. I do hope the gold is visible on the scan.

For now I want to wish you all a great 2020; may it provide all you need for a happy life.

Thank you for visiting my blog!!
Want to see more work of other tanglers??

Blessed be!

maandag 25 november 2019

A framed zendala

Wow, what a great template Annette has made for us this month.
I like what I made of it, I only wonder if the green was a good idea. I used a pastel pencil and it came out a bit spotty.

I made a frame by using the photo-editor BeFuncky and I think it looks nice.

Thanks Annette for an evening of working with a lot of zen!!!

Thank you for visiting my blog!!
Want to see more work of other tanglers??

Blessed be!