woensdag 10 januari 2018

The first challenge is a hard one (for me)

After a well deserved break Laura is back again.
Good to have the first challenge of 2018!

I do hope you all have had some nice times; we had nice Christmas days with a dinner at my son's (he always cooks us a 'star' dinner) house as the highlight. The 27th Kees went to UK because his daughter was giving birth to her third child on the 29th. And indeed a beautiful little girl was born that day and Kees was really happy to be there. He wanted me to come along, but I am a real wimp because I don't dare to go on the boat from the Netherlands to UK (or fly), so I staid home alone. That also meant I was alone on New years eve, but to be honest, I didn't mind that very much. Kees came back the 2nd of January.
And now, everything is back to normal and that a good thing too.

This week's challenge is a duotangle: Phicops vs. Huggins. When I first read that, I thought it would be hard to combine these two and I was right, I had a hard time making this tile. And, after finishing I don't really like it (Phicops should have been larger I think), but it is what it is. I tangled on beautiful grey paper with little dark 'lines' in it.

Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you leave me a comment; I do appreciate that a lot. Work created by fellow tanglers can be seen at 'I am the diva'.

Blessed be!

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Ooooh...Ik was dus niet de enige die de combinatie erg lastig vond. Na drie keer proberen is het toch nog gelukt. Ik denk inderdaad wat je zegt, als Phi-cops groter was geweest was het meer in balans geweest.
    Maar de uitdaging is evengoed toch gelukt, het was echt een lastige.
    Ik wens jullie veel geluk, gezondheid en creativiteit dit jaar!

  2. Inderdaad Annemarie, misschien had Phicops een beetje groter moge zijn maar toch vind ik het heel tof dat je juist deze tile gepubliceerd hebt, dat is de juiste instelling. Elke tile is mooi en uniek als het met zorg is gemaakt en dat is het zeker, dat zie ik direct.
    Beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar en veel "quality time" met Zentanglekunst!!!

  3. OOOOO, ik zie en lees dat ik niet de enige was die moeite had met deze combi. Toch maar weer mooi de uitdaging aangegaan. Leuk!

  4. Very nicely done and I love the grey paper that you chose, the flecks add to the overall pattern.

  5. I never know which tangle names go to which tangles, but this looks good to me. :)
    Glad the baby came fine and all is well. :)

  6. Your linear drawing looks very elegant on the gray background!

  7. This is really lovely Annemarie! It was a difficult challenge for me, but that's why it's called a challenge;-)

  8. The grey paper really added to your lovely tile

  9. Lovely! Looks like leaves on a woven mat. 😃

  10. The Phicops is like an embellishment. Is a different way to use. I like the paper you used.

  11. This is lovely and I like the paper. I, too, had to think about this challenge. Wishing you peace and all good things for the New Year.
