dinsdag 24 november 2015

Hollibaugh, Schiphol and shoes

Zondag had ik de 100.000e 'pageview'!!!
Dat dat zou gebeuren had ik nooit kunnen denken, toen ik in 2013 aan dit blog begon. Iedereen die heeft bijgedragen aan dit enorme getal: Dank, veel dank!!!

Last Sunday I had my 100.000th page-view!!!
I could never have thought that that would happen, when I started this blog in 2013.
For everyone who contributed to this HUGE amount: Thank you, thank you so much!!!!

Hollibaugh is de tangle die Laura voor Cahllenge 245 heeft gekozen. Ik denk dat dit voor bijna iedereen één van de eerste tangles is die je leerde en door de tijd heen regelmatig gebruikt. Leuk dus!

Hollibaugh is the tangle Laura has chosen for Challenge 245. I think this is probably one of the first tangles we all learned and still use regularly.
So, a great challenge!!!

Ruim een week geleden zat ik op Schiphol te wachten op mijn dochter, die voor een paar dagen naar Nederland kwam, en maakte onderstaande tile. Deze zal ook altijd verbonden zijn met het gegeven dat op datzelfde moment de aanslagen in Parijs werden gepleegd.

About 10 days ago when I was waiting for my daughter (who came to the Netherlands for a couple of days) at airport Schiphol I made this tile. It will always remember me of the fact that, when I was tangling this at the very same time the attacks in Paris were done.

Voor de verjaardag van mijn zoon, die 'gek' is van bijzondere schoenen, heb ik getangled op een paar sneakers. Hij is niet weg van mijn getangle, vind het allemaal meer van hetzelfde, maar met deze schoenen was hij toch wel erg blij. Hij dacht eerst dat ik ze zo gekocht had. Als dat geen compliment is .....

For the birthday of my son, who is 'crazy' about special shoes, I tangled on a pair of sneakers. He doesn't really like my tangling, thinks it's all more of the same, but ..... with this shoes he was really pleased. At first he thought that I had bought them like this! If that isn't a compliment ......

Op het weblog van Laura 'I am the diva' kun je zien wat mede tanglers van deze challenge maakten en, als je wilt (en waarom niet?) ook je eigen tile uploaden.

Dat je mijn blog bezoekt stel ik erg op prijs en ik hoop dat je een opmerking achterlaat. Ook wil ik iedereen bedanken die vorige week een opmerking achterliet. Die opmerkingen maken altijd mijn dag wat vrolijker.

On the web-log of Laura 'I am the diva' you can see what other tanglers made of this challenge and, if you want (and why not?) upload your own tile.

I do appreciate you visiting my blog a lot and I hope you will leave me a comment. I want to thank every one that left me a comment last week. Those comments always brighten my day!

Blessed Be!!!

24 opmerkingen:

  1. the tiles are great and the shoes are aammaaaaazing!

  2. Much as I like both tiles you have shown us today, the shoes have stolen the show. They are just fabulous.

  3. I agree, the shoes steal the show. But I love your Hollibaugh tiles too.

  4. Love the tiles this week, but the shoes are outstanding! Also fun to see what others do with Tropicana! It makes my day. I can really see why your son loved the shoes!

  5. Definitely--those SHOES! What kind of pen do you use? All of your work is beautiful.

  6. Well, yes those shoes defentilly steal the show. There are soooo gorgeous. But certainly the tiles are also beautiful.

  7. Gefeliciteerd met zoveel pageviews! Bijzonder.
    Je werk is weer mooi en duidelijk in jouw herkenbare stijl gemaakt.

  8. Hartstikke leuk en proficiat met de 100.00... ik zit er nog 22.000 vanaf.
    Maar jij hebt weer prachtig werk afgeleverd.

  9. Congrats on your visitors. You've been inspiring me since I found your blog. Love those shoes, I may have to have a go for my 11 yr. old grandson.

  10. Geweldige schoenen !!!
    Kan me voorstellen dat je zoon dacht dat je ze zo gekocht had.
    Ook de variatie met Hollibaugh is heel creatief.

  11. Proficiat met zoveel bezoeken op je pagina! Ik weet het prille begin nog :)
    Deze week ook weer een super mooi resultaat!
    En die schoenen zijn geweldig :)

  12. Congrats on the number of visitors, Annemarie. You always do such nice tangling for folks to enjoy. It's fun to take a comfortable tangle sometimes and play like this. I like the use of round over a backdrop of straight. Your son will appreciate your tangling more as he studies his "from the heart" shoes. What a great mom he has!

  13. Both tiles are beautiful! But I really like those fantastic and unique shoes!
    Hugs, Annette

  14. You have been busy this week. Love the Hollibaugh on top of the Hollibaugh. Those shoes are the crowning glory.

  15. Your Hollibaugh composition is quite impressive and clever! I know your son must be delighted with the shoes--they are amazing!

  16. Love your Hollibaugh composition, what a brilliant idea. And the sneakers for your son are wonderful, I bet he was pleased and rightly so.

  17. Lovely set of Divas!! Very nice!! Powerful to have a tile to remember Paris. Cool your son liked his shoes :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

  18. Lovely tiles and you got the spirit of the moment exactly right. I love the shoes. If your son doesn't want them, I will take them.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment.

  19. Beautiful tiles and wonderful tangled shoes. I really hope that your son recognizes what a precious artwork he has received. Absolutely stunning!

  20. I really like all your tiles - and those shoes really are cool! Your son sure is a lucky guy to get such a nice pair of shoes! He better be pleased, I'm sure there are a lot of other people who'd happily take them.
    @ Shiphol-tile: Sometimes it is amazing and creepy at the same time how a song, a picture oreven a Zentangle tile can be very much connected to e certain situation or event..
