dinsdag 27 mei 2014

Round and round in circles

Cirkels, daar draait het deze week om in Challenge 169.

Ik heb met plezier en volkomen ontspannen gewerkt aan deze uitdaging. Het papier is lichtblauw, maar helaas laat de scan dat nauwelijks zien.

Op het weblog van Laura 'I am the diva' kun je zien wat mede tanglers van deze challenge maakten en, als je wilt (en waarom niet?) ook je eigen tile uploaden.

Dat je mijn blog bezoekt stel ik erg op prijs en ik hoop dat je een opmerking achterlaat.

Circles, all about circles in this Challenge.

I had fun drawing this challenge and was quite relaxed. The paper is light blue, but the scan doesn't show that.

On the web-log of Laura 'I am the diva' you can see what other tanglers made of this challenge and, if you want (and why not?) upload your own tile.

I do appreciate you visiting my blog a lot and I hope you will leave me a comment.

Blessed Be!

16 opmerkingen:

  1. I can see how you enjoyed filling the circles, I like the black/grey/white effect on the two large circles Linda x

  2. Great circles. I like your knightsbridge circle.

  3. Lovely - I'm envious of your neat auras.

  4. Lots of nice tangling in those circles, Annemarie. I was also struck by the Knightsbridge. I like those little circles and the shading.

  5. Looks like layered discs. Nice tangles and shading to create the layered look.

  6. Great composition. You can tell that you had fun drawing it - the patterns just flow so easily.

  7. Anne, Wow! You went all out on this one. Quite the variety of tangles and each in their own circle....great idea and you carried it off very nicely done. I like the way they all are in different circles but yet blend well together. Good work.

  8. Great tangles, Annemarie..I love the Knightsbridge variation in the big one!! Axxx

  9. I like your art, Annemarie. Like other commenters, I am very much loving what you did with the KnightsBridge Tangle. That is inspirational. Beautiful work.

  10. I do really like these circles. Yes, must have been relaxing to do. :)

  11. Nice circles this week, Annemarie! The challenge was relaxing, wasn't it?
    Tangle on!
    Jacque Solomon

  12. Well done. I like the little white borders that you left on each circle.

  13. Love the tangles that you picked for this one. Lovely ZIA!

  14. Een mooie tile met ook erg veel leuke variaties van knightbridge. Mooi.
