woensdag 20 juli 2016

Tangling in motion!

Onderweg in de auto is Laura aan het tanglen en zo kwam ze op het idee voor de challenge van deze week: teken je tile terwijl je in beweging bent.

Eerst dacht ik niet mee te doen, want ik moet nergens heen deze week, behalve op de fiets en om mijn man nou te vragen rondjes met de auto te rijden ging me wat te ver. Maar .... daar kreeg ik een idee van Chrissie Frampton om lopend in de tuin te tanglen.
Toen het gisteravond niet meer zo erg heet was, heb ik dat gedaan en dat viel niet mee. Veel lastiger dan ik had gedacht.

Maar, dankzij Chrissie, toch meegedaan!

On the way in the car Laura was tangling and there the idea was born for the challenge of this week: draw a tile while in motion.

At first I thought that this would be first one that I was going to miss, because besides of using my bicycle, I am not going anywhere this week. Asking my husband to drive around until I would have finished a tile, was a bit too much (for me, he would probably do it if I had asked).
But ..... there was Chrissie Frampton giving me a great idea: walking in the garden while tangling.
When it was not too hot anymore, that's what I did and it was much more difficult that I had thought.

But, thanks to Chrissie, I did join!!

Op het weblog van Laura 'I am the diva' kun je zien wat mede tanglers van deze challenge maakten en, als je wilt (en waarom niet?) ook je eigen tile uploaden.

Dat je mijn blog bezoekt stel ik erg op prijs en ik hoop dat je een opmerking achterlaat. Ook wil ik iedereen bedanken die vorige week een opmerking achterliet. Die opmerkingen maken altijd mijn dag wat vrolijker.

On the web-log of Laura 'I am the diva' you can see what other tanglers made of this challenge and, if you want (and why not?) upload your own tile.

I do appreciate you visiting my blog a lot and I hope you will leave me a comment. I want to thank every one that left me a comment last week. Those comments always brighten my day!

Blessed Be!!!

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Great job. I don't think I could tangle while I walk. I would definitely not have a good outcome. The tile might be okay but my body probably wouldn't make it without falling.

  2. I would find that impossible, I think. Great job! :)

  3. Ik vind ook dat je het er nog goed van af gebracht hebt Annemarie, ik zou het niet kunnen, ook niet tijdens auto-trein-bus-vaar-vliegreizen lukt het me niet daarom heb ik niet meegedaan deze week.

  4. Oh well done, how clever to manage it whilst walking!

  5. You're brave to even try walking and tangling. I suspect I would have tripped over something and landed on my face.

  6. A pretty tile. I could not draw and walk without falling over something or making a complete mess of my tile.

  7. Tangling while walking was a crazy idea and probably a lot harder than sitting in a moving vehicle Annemarie. I think you did great, sorry about the idea though! hahaha

  8. That was a very clever solution! Well done;-)

  9. Amazingly done!that I couldn't walk and tangle at the same time, because I frankly don't multi-task very well. You did such a nice job with this. I'm afraid I would trip and fall, since I can do that without any help from anything. Wonderful solution to the challenge this week!

  10. What a clever idea! I'd never have thought of it. Great effort on the tile.

    And as for your comment on my blog about wanting to get the pins, you can find them on aliexpress.com and pandahall.com. Search for "cabochon setting". For reference, the one that you saw on my blog is about 20mm (2cm). Any smaller and it'd be very difficult to tangle on them. They have sizes up to 40mm.
    You have to outline the pin on a paper, then draw on the paper and stick it to the cabochon setting once you're done. I use Mod Podge's Multi-Dimensional glue to give it a 3D look. You cannot use regular glue cause bubbles will form. You can also purchase glass/plastic cabochons from the sites I gave you to stick onto your pin to finish it. I hope these information helps! :)

  11. Tangling during walking in the garden, great idea. I couldn't do it. I like your tile.

  12. Tangling during walking in the garden, great idea. I couldn't do it. I like your tile.

  13. Now I call that commitment to a challenge!! Well done you...definitely safer than tangling on a bike! Sorry to have missed so many challenges and our sharing of comments recently - I have been too busy, but now I hope to have a bit more time to keep in touch. Axxx

  14. Toch is hij erg leuk geworden. Ja op dat idee kwam ik niet, ik fiets of rijd zelf, wij gingen ook nergens heen, dus ik sloeg hem over....

  15. I can imagine it being difficult tangling while walking but yours is a very creditable attempt! Nicely done.
