woensdag 4 maart 2015

March, an UMT and some words of wisdom

Uit een documentaire over Joan Halifax, woorden volgens die mij heel veel waarheid bevatten:

Strijd leidt tot meer strijd
de enige weg naar vrede is vrede.

Dan, waarvoor we hier zijn:

Maart, de lentemaand, is begonnen en dus heeft Laura een UMT voor ons: Unbatz van Sandy Hunter. Een tangle die moeilijk lijkt, maar het niet is!

Geen idee waarom, maar ik wist direct dat ik in ieder geval cirkels wilde en dan uiteraard één met Unbatz. Wilde er dinsdagavond aan beginnen, toen een vriendin belde en we (zoals altijd) een hele poos zaten te praten. Pas laat op de avond begon ik dus aan deze challenge en heb hem vanochtend afgemaakt. Jammer toch dan een scan nooit de kleuren echt goed weergeeft; in het echt gaat het meer naar oranje en zijn de kleuren veel dieper.
Vind hem zelf wel leuk geworden.

I want to share some words of wisdom, that came from a documentary about Joan Halifax, with you:

Fighting leads to more fighting
the only way to peace is peace.

Now, what we came here for:

March, month of spring, has started, so Laura has an UMT for us: Unbatz by Sandy Hunter. This tangle looks difficult, but in fact is not!

Don't know why, but I knew right away that I wanted some circles and of course Unbatz in one of them. I wanted to start tangling Tuesday night, when a friend called and (as always) we were talking on the phone for a long time. Only late that night I started tangling my tile for this challenge and finished it this morning.
Always a pity that the colors change by scanning; in real the colors are much deeper.
I do like the finished tile.

Op het weblog van Laura 'I am the diva' kun je zien wat mede tanglers van deze challenge maakten en, als je wilt (en waarom niet?) ook je eigen tile uploaden.

Dat je mijn blog bezoekt stel ik erg op prijs en ik hoop dat je een opmerking achterlaat. Ookn met wil ik iedereen bedanken die vorige week een opmerking achterliet. Die opmerkingen maken altijd mijn dag wat vrolijker.

On the web-log of Laura 'I am the diva' you can see what other tanglers made of this challenge and, if you want (and why not?) upload your own tile.

I do appreciate you visiting my blog a lot and I hope you will leave me a comment. I want to thank every one that left me a comment last week. Those comments always brighten my day!

Blessed Be!


18 opmerkingen:

  1. What I have found interesting, Annemarie, is how you thought the tangle was easy, so you did it exactly as designed. Many of us, who found it more difficult wound up changing it up more. I love those layered circles and the Tipple in the corners brings it all together. Peace would be so wonderful, but everyone has to want it, and unfortunately, some just don't want peace.

  2. I think you chose wisely to put the unbatz in circles. It has made it look really complete and is lovely with your coloured ground. Your words of wisdom are so important and it so hard to understand that some people don't want it.

  3. Erg mooi deze vorm in de Zendala's te verwerken. Ook de andere patroontjes passen er prachtig bij evenals de kleur. Ik vind de scanner ook altijd wat fletser. Maar het blijft mooi.

  4. Erg mooi deze vorm in de Zendala's te verwerken. Ook de andere patroontjes passen er prachtig bij evenals de kleur. Ik vind de scanner ook altijd wat fletser. Maar het blijft mooi.

  5. Annemarie, as Jean mentioned, some of us had more problems conquering Unbatz. I wonder if it's something genetic. A few people thought it was easy and a bunch more thought it wasn't so easy. I ended up with some circles on my tile too, but the Unbatz lives outside the circles. I like yours. With the holibough below, it feels like the circles are floating on your tile.

    As for peace. I wish for it with all my heart. Unfortunately, human beings are very dichotomous---capable of great empathy and caring on one hand, but at the same time, capable of unspeakable brutality. Evolutionarily (spellcheck doesn't think that's a word), we're basically still tribal---which becomes a significant problem when some of the tribes have nuclear weapons.

    BTW, your English is perfect! Did you ever live in an English speaking country? I realize that many Dutch speak English very well (given how relatively few Dutch speakers there are in the world), but yours is really flawless.

  6. Like the circle strings. You did a nice job of doing the tangle the way it was in the step out. I have to admit that my first thought was how could I vary it.

  7. Mooie woorden - en een mooie tile. Leuk hoe je Tipple in de hoeken hebt gebruikt. Zo krijgt de tile zowel een rond als een vierkant beeld, mooi!

  8. What a lovely tile...your composition is perfect and you've chosen just the right tangles to make it a very peaceful and beautiful. I remember an old song lyric "Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me" - which may very well have been an advertising jingle, but it doesn't matter since the lyric is still true. A good place to start, I think.

  9. Lovely tile with your pattern-dots! I like the contrast of them. Beautiful Unbatz in your front dot :-)

  10. Absolutely wonderful tile with your little Unbatz flowers! Great choice of tangles. Wise words about peace, too!

  11. Beautiful background as always, I love the bright colors and the well-tangled patterns, great tile ♥

  12. This is a wonderful piece of art...beautifully rendered! I really like how hollibaugh seems like windows on either side of the orbs, I think it's the contrast of dark that does that. Truly lovely...i keep going back and looking and wondering how you put it together. Wishing you peace...

  13. Love the background colors and great work on the tangling!

  14. j'aime bien ce motif appliqué à des sphères.

    I like this pattern applied to spheres.

  15. Very nicely drawn patterns in your circles. Like them.

  16. Very nicely drawn patterns in your circles. Like them.

  17. Very nicely drawn patterns in your circles. Like them.

  18. Very nicely drawn patterns in your circles. Like them.
